Rusty Hopkins

Rusty Hopkins, CPA - Senior Partner

With an exemplary career focused in estate and succession planning, Rusty Hopkins is known as a problem solver with a diverse skill set. By engaging challenges with a solid mix of creativity and risk management, clients are guaranteed a professional relationship in which quality is certain.

Industry-specific expertise is critical for effective business and tax consulting. Rusty has specialized knowledge in the real estate, construction, manufacturing and service industries. He routinely provides consultative services to help clients create success.

What does Exceeding Client Expectations. Always. Mean to You?

Exceeding expectations means being proactive on the things that clients don’t even know exist, like searching for tax credits, building good “audit proof” files, considering AMT implications of major transactions, and looking ahead to the exit strategy for small businesses.


  • B.S. degree in Accounting, West Georgia College


  • Certified Public Accountant


  • Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Tax Section
  • Member, Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • Finance Committee, North Georgia Community Foundation
  • Elachee Nature Science Center, Audit Committee Chair, Past President
  • Stewardship Team Leader, Lakewood Baptist Church
  • Tenth Grade Boys Sunday School Teacher, Lakewood Baptist Church
  • Associate Member, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Past President, Gainesville Estate Planning Council
  • Former Member, Estate and Gift Tax Committee
  • Past Chairman of the Board for Thumb's Up Missions (Keaton Franklin Coker Foundation)
  • Board Member, Good News Clinic
  • Finance Committee, Good new Clinic

Areas of Expertise

Healthcare - Rusty has been serving professionals in the healthcare industry for over fifteen years. The challenges in this industry include both the run-of-the-mill and the complex. Rusty’s creative bend, probing questions, and years of experience make him the perfect match for medical professionals who want control of their practice and it's future. "In North Georgia, the medical profession is a critical economic driver. Anything that I can do to help this industry and the individuals working in it is ultimately beneficial to us all. I am committed to it."

Manufacturing, Warehousing & Distribution - Rusty’s experience with manufacturing companies spans over twenty years. His first experience was with a local tool and die company that manufactured plastic injection molds. Since then he has amassed clients in a range of manufacturing clients including those in industries such as pharmaceuticals, wear-parts, poultry processing machines, and sports equipment. He has experience with manufacturing clients in the U.S., Ireland, Germany, and The Netherlands. "Manufacturing accounting is key to serving these clients. The complexities of accounting for inventory, making tax decisions, and implementing management information tools requires that we work with the client as a team.”

Offers-in-Compromise - The recent recession left many taxpayers unable to pay their tax liabilities.  Rusty has helped clients navigate the complexities of preparing a proper and successful offer.  His most recent offer resulted in the IRS accepting $1,000 to settle a $150,000 liability.


When he's not working or traveling, you will most likely find Rusty tending bees, hunting, fishing or reading.